Everyone's reaching out and thanking each other for getting through this. I am not kidding that I will not fully relax until the nuclear codes are away from him. But thank you all for the support and enduring my TDS, which I also call "sanity." /1
People have thanked me for using a voice and a platform, but you folks gave that to me by reading me and putting up with me. (A half million of you!) Sometimes I wrote to buck up my own spirits, sometimes to buck up yours, and sometimes just to vent the anger we all felt. /2
You're not rid of me, of course. I and many others will stay on Trump's enablers pretty much forever. And I promise I will keep writing the really important stuff like shoes on airplanes and why Boston is better than the suckage of a certain overrated UK blues ripoff band. /3
The very last thing I'll write during the Trump era drops tomorrow morning in @TheAtlantic. It's about what Trump took from us what Biden might restore. Then I'm taking a few weeks, finally, to finish the book I'm going to nag you all to buy. /4
And #NeverTrump folks - We made it to Coney. Trump managed to inflict a hell of lot of damage and put thousands of Americans in early graves. We were right from the beginning. Good for all of you for saying so and staying with it. Enjoy tomorrow. /5x
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