Meaning of the numbers in the Bible

In the Bible, numbers can have three different meanings:
Quantity: Have the usual meaning.

These numbers don´t contain any symbolism or hidden message. They just refer to the number of years, people, or distances mentioned in the text. In other words, what the number says is what the author said. For example:

1King 18,1
Jn 11,18

In the Bible, numbers can have a symbolic meaning. These don't seek to express quantities, but ideas, message... however, it is not always possible to know the meaning of the number. The Semitics tribes used this type of language to express ideas, messages, or codes.
Examples of Symbolic Numbers:

Number one: It symbolizes God, who is the only One. It means exclusivity, primacy, and excellence. In other words, the number 1 relates to the divine. Examples:

Mt 19.17
Eph 4.5
Number two: Is related to the human being, because in him there is always duality (good/bad) and division for the action of sin. Examples:

Mt 20,0
Mt 26,60
Number three: Represents "Totality", the whole. Perhaps because there are three dimensions of time: present, past, and future. Saying three in a biblical context is equivalent to say all or always. Examples:

Gn 6,10
Is 6,3
Number 4: In the Bible, it symbolizes the universe, the world, since it represents the four cardinal points. For example, when it's said that in paradise were 4 rivers (Gn 4,10), it means that the entire universe was a paradise before the sin of Adam and Eve.
Number 5: Represents one or a few in other words; an indefinite quantity. When the Bible says "Jesus took 5 loaves" it means "took some loaves...", that in the market "5 birds are sold for two coins" means "some birds are sold for...". Examples:

1 Cor 14,19
Mk 6,38
That is why Jesus will tell Peter that he will have to forgive his brother seventy times seven. But be careful, seven can also represent the perfection of evil, the supreme evil. Example: when Jesus teaches that if a demonic spirit leaves a man it can return with seven worst...
...Or when in the gospel it is mentioned that Jesus expelled 7 demons from the Magdalene. The apocalypse occupies this number around 54 times to represent divine realities ...
…The seven churches of Asia, the seven trumpets, horns ... etc. The church would continue this symbolic tradition and use it to represent the sacraments, gifts, virtues... etc.
Number six: It's one less than seven, therefore it represents imperfection and sin.
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