May, June, July and August 2020 highlighted the DeFi space that was emergent, and is currently emerging in full force. Systems were created that produce fundamental financial constructs such as borrowing, lending, leverage, synthetics, derivatives, and options. Pick a metaphor!
To understand why these systems are experiencing such growth we turn to parallels with the status quo, and must appreciate the nuances of human emotions. These systems are analogous to, and orders of magnitude more efficient than, status quo systems. Driven by incentive...
... game theory, financial opportunity, no doubt greed and opportunity. These new systems offer a glimpse into what a better financial system looks like, offering potential fairness, inclusiveness, and allowing permissionless participation. All of these properties land the...
... same way with app people, without exception. This is for one specific reason, we are all human, driven by emotion, excited by opportunity, fascinated by innovation, humbled by revolution, and enthralled by the likelihood of deprecating status quo systems.
Change is needed, and resistance to change is painful. The hope for these DeFi systems is that resistance is futile. How can a permissionless decentralized system be constrained? We can't tell the future, resistance will be pursued, but one factor ensure inevitable victory 👇
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