biden about to give inaugural address
buttigieg pulls up in a Nissan Cube
“you wanna go to a real party?”
Biden gets in without thinking twice
Buttigieg floors it and goes a tight 40 mph to one of those new indoor entertainment complexes- Biden, seeing he’s made a grave mistake - feigns Tummy Trouble and asks to be let out
“Damn ok- you seemed fine at the address?” says buttigieg, suspicious. “Yea must be how fast you were driving this Cube” Biden retorts. Buttigieg sighs and puts head on wheel
“Ok I got a compromise” spews buttigieg. Huh..weird there’s a “compromise” when in the reality of my fib, I’m the one with Tummy Trouble, but ok? Thinks Biden. “One round of ropes [course], one round LT (laser tag? Biden has to guess?) and maybe you watch me do hockey simulator.”
Biden, thinking fast, pocketdials Beto - “you did such a great job w the address” says Beto. Biden, having not even given the address, plus hearing minute 40 of “el Camino a breaking bad movie” blaring in background - just rolls his eyes at Beto’s lie
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