Hello, I'm driving away from Napavine, WA, where perhaps 30 right-wing protesters gathered to protest the closing of Napavine City Offices due to COVID

Normally I wouldn't talk about an event like this, but it's the first far-right gathering in Oregon that I'm aware of since J6
This was an exceedingly normie event. Kids, older people, mostly local. Washington State Senator Jim Walsh was in attendence

So was Joey Gibson

The attitude at this event can't be extrapolated across the far right but it's a data point at least
Some general themes emerged during the speeches. The big one was the linkage of COVID closures with recent crackdowns on far right activity. Turns out the closures were never about COVID after all, but about silencing the right and taking their freedom
This tactic of associating COVID shutdowns with shutdowns due to worries about armed insurrection is a great way to avoid any kind of responsibility for how things are now going

It's also a great way to gloss over all the events of J6. Nothing to see here, same as it ever was
Most speakers named "the politicians" or "the elites" as the forces conspiring to take our freedom--very vague

Joey Gibson got specific. According to Gibson, it's the "Chi-Coms," or Chinese communists. He believes that China has essentially bought out American government
Several speakers referenced "the revolution," which they were always quick to follow up with "the PEACEFUL revolution"

Joe Walsh categorically condemned the violence in DC. Everyone else either didn't mention it or minimized it to a comical degree
The event had a big emphasis on local action as opposed to national action, but I suspect that's more about the sort of event it was than any overarching far right theory, at least at this point
As is traditional, many speakers told the audience that we are at a crossroads in history and that we are at risk of losing everything. They have always said that but if course, they have more things to point to now, like Twitter bans and such
I did not hear a single word about gathering on the 20th, which is one of the big reasons why I went. If there are events, the normies probably won't be out there
That's all I've got

I will now decompress in the traditional way: removing my disguise and listening to the Genitorturers at excessive volume until I feel like myself again

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