Are people more stoked for Futures or Clarity? Based on pure numbers is prob Futures. Based on total feels? Maybe Clarity…..based on my unscientific polling.
A little background on both of these albums as we look forward to their broadcasts: The mindset we had as a band during the making of both these albums could NOT be more different. Like polar opposites of the spectrum...
With Clarity, in our minds, we made that album with the mindset that it was likely the “end of the road” for us. This would be the last opportunity to make an album with the benefit of a major label budget. It was YOLO energy every day, damn the consequences.
And we made it without the impression that anyone (label/small fan base) had been waiting on the edge of their seat to see what we’ve been up to. We didn’t feel any expectations. It was “fuck it, this might be it so lets throw the kitchen sink at this thing”
With Futures we were in a position to make an album in a completely different context. In every way. First, expectations had fallen into our laps like a fucking atom bomb, for obvious reasons. We’ve never dealt with that.
It was the first time making an album where we didn’t have this feeling like we were getting away with something. Whatever we were doing was going to be scrutinized by an expectant crowd.
We had to learn to deal with that and that was definitely a process. It’s probably why we had to make the album twice. There was an incredible amount of pressure during futures and it was by FAR the hardest album to make but we pushed through. Gil Norton was pivotal in that.
During Futures we had to deal with a falling out with Trombino and then our label Dreamworks being bought by Interscope (the one label completely uninterested in signing us before Bleed American). Hiring a totally new production team, spending a stupid amounts of money.
But it’s the album I personally look back on with the most pride that we made it through all that and made an album we are still 1000% proud of.
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