During the course of the test match i interacted with 1000s of fans in social media. Here is my observation of the Indian attitude.

1. We value victory much lesser than the defeat. Everyone talked about what if we lose, but very little was talked about -- what if we win? 1/10
2. We can visualise losing and can see the pain, but find it hard to visualise victory and see the pleasure. Thus pain avoidance guides us more than pleasure seeking. 2/10
3. We could make history, but that seemed to not make a note in our minds. The talk was all like -- 1-1 score line is "enough". We should be happy settling for something even when could be pushing for glory. 3/10
4. All the fans and biggies piled on congratulations of the team *after* they won. In the pursuit of the victory there was very little support. Had the team lost the match, Rahane, Pant and Pujara would have been tarred apart. 4/10
5. We focus on the end fruits (especially the bitter ones) far more than the karma to attain it. The same positive mindset is needed for both a victory and a defeat. Since we don't understand that mindset, we just hang to the end results alone. 5/10
6. This attitude is why Indian politicians never take risks. China opened up in 1970s with an unambiguous push to prosperity. Our leaders including PVNR and Modi had good ideas but always avoided risks. Because our people focus on failures more than victories. 6/10
7. Our aunties and uncles ask with pity why you chose to be an entrepreneur. They can only visualise the downside and not the upside. They cannot imagine why you are not going to draw. A draw is "enough". They cannot understand "enough" is not enough enough for you.
8. Even when we become an entrepreneur, our investors and boards want us to take the less risky ventures. That is why we have so many startups doing things that just wrap tech around a traditional business (delivery, finance, commerce). 8/10
9. We cannot think hardware or manufacturing. We cannot visualise building an Apple or Tesla in India. Because our funds would rather settle for a draw and a 1-1 scoreline is good enough. To build an Apple or Google, we have to think the impossible. 9/10
10. It is not just enough to celebrate victory after the fact, but understand and appreciate the activities that put us in the path towards that. We celebrate the rich people, but focus very little on the path that put them towards greatness. 10/10
11. Without appreciating the victory mindset and the activities we need for that, we tend to put down the people who are pursuing it. Anyone who is not avoiding defeat is seen as a crazy one to be avoided. Thus, when you take the victory path, if you turn out unlucky you get done
12. As a society we put down our fellow members who try to take the risks. We get bitter and abuse the artists, politicians and businessmen whenever anyone tries to do different. We cannot comprehend why someone is not settling for the sure thing and why would they do different
13. Every reform in this country is fought because we can only see what if we lose, we cannot visualise what if we win. Indian politics has always avoided risks -- leading us to trail China. Indian businesses have done the same preventing the rise of an Apple or Tesla.
14. As a society we can manufacture engineers who can work for great companies and even lead Google/Microsoft/IBM. However, we are yet to manufacture ways to put the engineers together into a homegrown engineering wonder.
15. We could have scaled the Himalayan peaks that was next to us. But why bother? We could have built world changing empires. But, why move of India? We could have had multiple Medicine Nobels with a scientific approach to validate traditional medicine. Why bother?
16. The same risk that Pant took to glory could have also gotten him stumped. Sometimes you need the luck too. However, if you do it enough times odds work for you.

Next time a friend takes a bold move support him. If enough people take bold moves society wins.
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