The entitlement and arrogance of the insurrectionists comes down to two things: race and religion.

It's White Christian Nationalism. When they breached the senate, they prayed to Jesus Christ and thanked him "for the opportunity to stand up for our God-given unalienable rights."
I've written a lot about the danger of "God-given rights." Namely, they can be taken away by those claiming to speak for god. They also give people a justification for anything.

When I wrote about this last month some folks on this site, such as @conservmillen, tried to drag me.
God-given rights are weak, vague, and dangerous.

God-given rights depend on geography. Do you live in Indiana, India, or Iran?

God-given rights depend on those who claim to know a god’s will. Is Muhammad’s, Martin Luther’s, or MLK Jr.’s interpretation of God’s will is correct?
God-given rights are especially problematic because they depend solely on a particular individual’s interpretation of a particular deity's will. Perhaps the interpreter adheres to some higher authority, such as a pope or an author of a book they deem holy or divine.
But at the end of that line of spiritual authority, a human being is claiming to know “God’s will.” One person’s belief is suddenly divine law. A fallible human claiming divine sanction.

This is moral relativism—often maligned by Christians—masquerading as moral absolutism.
It is far better to premise human rights on the simple fact of being human, than to put them into the hands of one person claiming to speak for a supernatural being that does not exist.

You can follow @AndrewLSeidel.
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