Let's talk about the "de-Trump-ification" of the GOP. It won't be done by the people in charge - the so-called establishment. Mitch McConnell can't do it. Liz Cheney can't do it. And nobody outside the GOP can do it. It's not a lever that can be pulled, a button to be pushed.
The key to remembering Trumpism is that it isn't a real ideology. It's the end result of the thoughts, words, and actions of a man. He has millions of followers, a large chunk of the base who vote Republican. Looking online, it's been defined retardedly, by people who hate him.
The GOP will be no more successful at changing the hearts and minds of the Conservative base they are subservient to. They might subvert a politician like Marco Rubio, but ultimately they have to win votes. The Tea Party and MAGA influences will remain for many, many years.
The millions of people who still support Trump to this day believe he supported and defended them, still remain politically-motivated, and will carry on and vote for Republicans who feel represent them. The GOP has a personality vacuum without Trump, less voters absent MAGA.
Unfortunately the Tea Party never had a Republican president who protected their interests or carried out their wishes. Trump did that for those who he represented. I submit to you the next firebrand who caters to these groups will win the nomination, if not the presidency.
Trumpism only leaves the GOP when Trump leaves the GOP. That's how it works. If the GOP forcefully divests itself from Trump it will take many years to rebuild. Trump could literally form a third party and crush the GOP, or just tell his base to abstain. Doesn't even have to run.
That's not to say the GOP won't survive, but they won't win like they should. Trump could capture a few million people's votes (or non-votes) and make a bigger impact than either the Libertarian Party, or the Green Party. It's not even close.
Anyhow, all I'm saying is a lot of the elite opinionists are either purposefully giving terrible opinions on Trump, or quite frankly still don't understand him or his base. It's easy to find some nutjob and pretend that's the core Trump base. That's purposefully incorrect.
One final thing: if you're a talking head, and you still don't understand Trump, then political punditry was never the profession for you.
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