There are certain images in the Church that become more than images. This is not due their artistic merit, or creative take, or any other excellence. It is due to the fact that those images allowed a group of little people a way to touch the Divine, and to feel the specialness...
Of their election as children of God, despite persecution from worldly powers who say and act else wise. These images even grow their own mythology to explain the important and real role that they play as conduits of comfort and grace. There are as many of them as there are...
Oppressed peoples in the world. Most are known only to the small selos and barrios where they originate, but some make it big and become for the whole church what they are especially for the folks who created/venerate them. Guadalupe is a huge example of this, but a close 2nd...
Is Częstochowa. In an era where the poor folk of Poland were divided and conquered by every Western power and thought as naught, their faith and devotion to our Lady, especially as depicted in that old painting, gave them something to hold on to when everything else was taken...
I love when different groups invent depictions of the Madonna and Child: that is inculturation. I don’t love appropriation of sacred images which shock the folks who love them. Especially ones which, like it or not, have political/societal/ecclesial connotations that are nebulous
Tl;dr. You want a new Mary? Draw it! Use your creative faculty which is a sharing in the divine creator. How else do you think we got all these pictures in the first place?! But kindly? Leave venerated old images alone. That’s just my POV though.
Appropriation ain’t appropriate, especially with works of art that hold such religio-cultural valence.
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