I was to learn of the passing of Dr. John G. Bartlett, MD. Dr. Bartlett led so many of the advances in the #InfectionDiseases field. He gave me a boost when I was an assistant professor and he reached out to me and encouraged my early microbiota research. https://hopkinsinfectiousdiseases.jhmi.edu/funding-our-future/biography-of-john-g-bartlett-md/
2/ most folks in ID know of Dr. Bartlett's work at the dawn of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and his work here touched to many lives. #HIV #IDdocs
5/ Dr. Bartlett called me on the phone and wanted to let me know he was going to review the paper at the Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America @IDSAInfo. I was so excited that he felt the paper worthy of his attention.
6/ I met up with Dr. Bartlett at the IDSA meeting in Boston that year. We ate lunch and he asked me how the start of my career was going. He gave me advice about following my science and walked me around the meeting, introducing me to so many of the folks I admired in ID.
7/ The compassion and care that Dr. Bartlett had for his patients and his colleagues was so great. I will be forever grateful to him for having had the chance to have his support and guidance early in my career. I hope I can pay some of this forward. #fin
8/ and of course the first line in the first Tweet should have been "I was sad to learn" of the passing of Dr. Bartlett.
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