Among the star confirmation hearings today one was for incoming SecDef Gen. Lloyd Austin. He provided 125 pages of written answers to the Senate Armed Serv Com. A good window on his thinking on China, Russia and Pakistan. A few Q&A on Pakistan:
On Pakistan's role in Af. peace process:
Pakistan is an essential partner in any peace process in Afghanistan. If confirmed, I will encourage a regional approach that garners support from neighbors like Pakistan...
Have you perceived any change in Pak’s cooperatio since the U.S. decision to withhold security assistance to Pakistan in September 2018?
"I understand Pakistan has taken constructive steps to meet U.S. requests in support of the Afghanistan peace process....
"Pakistan has also taken steps against anti-Indian groups, such as Lashkar-e-Tayyiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed, although this progress is incomplete....
"Many factors in addition to the security assistance suspension may impact Pakistan’s cooperation, including Afghanistan negotiations and the dangerous escalation following the Pulwama terrorist attack."
On available tools ton ensure Pak is not a terrorist sanctuary:
Gen. Austin: "Pakistan is a sovereign nation. If confirmed, I will press Pakistan to prevent its territory from being used as a sanctuary for militants and violent extremist organizations....
"Continuing to build relationships with Pakistan’s military will provide openings for the United States and Pakistan to cooperate on key issues."
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