My personal view is it was a divine punishment.

Trump was the Nebuchadnezzar of the 21st century, sent to snap us out of our laziness and attempts to take everything for granted, so we would be stronger when he was gone, and recommit to ideals and morals we gave up on/forgot.
Because no alternative is acceptable to me.
The people grew lazy and arrogant and ignorant, stopped caring about the suffering of others and only cared about themselves and how to enrich themselves.

So God sent a, to be frank, demonic entity to steer us back onto the right path.
And to show us who among us would trade their humanity for power and influence, so that we might better protect ourselves from them in the future.

The wheat from the chaff, and all that.
When we stop standing up for what is right, we let evil in.

And good people suffer.
Many, many people had to suffer for the populace to be reminded of these lessons.

And my personal view, is that it is on us.

It is our fault.

We created the ecosystem and moral vacuum that allowed Trump to take power.

And now we must fix it.
The "they're not my problem" attitude, the "America first" nonsense, the turning a blind eye as genocide and corruption raged around the world, that is our fault.

We chose to do nothing, growing ever more and more corrupt and heartless.

And there were consequences for it.
The people who cared about nothing but their own selfishness, the ones who wanted "to shake up Washington", who wanted chaos for chaos sake because they were "bored", tired of stability, who took everything for granted, they got their wish.
"You never know what you have until it's gone".

A harsh, but necessary lesson.
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