I appreciate hearing from constituents, but a reminder to those who are reaching out to members of the #ksleg.

1) focus on your state rep and your state senator. Emails outside of districts often get deleted

2) Be direct/concise. Short personal story helps, but not paragraphs.

3) We literally read our own emails (we don't have staff doing that for us)

4) If you're calling your #ksleg members' offices, please be kind. The office assistants are underpaid and over worked.

5) Your message is most powerful when you share how it would impact you (rather than a form-letter from an advocacy group).

6) Include your address so your #ksleg member knows you're a constituent.

7) Common-sense, but worth reminding: be nice. Swear words, name calling, and being hateful isn't a super effective way to advocate for an issue you care about. #ksleg
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