I imagine we'll see a lot more news on this nationally soon, and I have to admit I'm sick w/ pain over this one.

NOT bc Dr. Levine is trans, but bc she abused me and several other pts for yrs in her former job. This isn't a secret or an uncommon criticism by those in her care. https://twitter.com/abc27News/status/1351673320459153408
Watching her lead PA through this pandemic has been deeply deeply painful daily. ...made that much worse by seeing the vitriolic hate she received for being trans.

It sucks to stand up for someone against bigoted attacks when you also know they don't deserve your kindness. Ever.
It sucks when a trans person is just not a good person in general. As a queer person, I want to celebrate their success. But I can't.

And it makes it that much harder to deduce others' criticisms when you don't know if it's bc they're a bigot or if the concern is justified.
I know a lot of LGBTQ folks who've urged me to stay quiet bc we have it hard enough and just need this win. But do we though? If heralding abusers is the best we can do and they represent us, do we want that? I know I don't.

So I'm bracing myself for the cheering and praise.
Bracing myself for the yas queens and happy tears of innocent folks who have no idea what she did to a bunch of eating disordered kids for years. ...bc she could. ...bc what recourse could we have?

We're just "crazy" and our parents are already sure we're ruining the family.
I've reached out to some who were hurt w/ me and no one feels safe to talk; they're still struggling and it'd break their stability. I get it. Bc I kept it to myself for yrs, too.

That's how bad people in power win. Break people and know they'll always be too fragile to speak.
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