Thread: “Jungkook is the MAIN VOCALIST” #Jungkook

-From debut until today
Part 1 summary:
Jungkook has been declared and assigned the role of the Main vocalist. This is fact! It’s been announced by BigHit, the other members, the media, and Jungkook himself. Every member has an important role but ‘Main Vocalist’ belongs to Jungkook.
The media all over the world has written thousands of articles on BTS. When they mention, Jungkook, they give him his title of Main Vocalist:
His title has also been referenced on variety and award shows:
BH has made the informed decision that Jungkook would best fit the role of Main Vocalist and they’ve never changed their mind since. Take a look at all the subtitles reminding us of these facts:
Still not good enough for you??
Let’s hear it from the mouths of BTS!

First Yoongi: “He’s our main vocalist”
Jin: “He’s different. The main vocalist of BTS is different” (on the way to watch Jungkook busking on Bon Boyage)
Namjoon: “If we don't have jungkook, it’s a lot of damage....Jungkook is the Main Vocal and center of BTS.”
Hobi had multiple lines:
“Improvement of the Main Vocal”
“Indeed our Main Vocalist”
Listen to Jungkook’s very own words:
Part 2 summary: Jungkook’s Role of the Main Vocalist
-Sing the core of the group’s vocals
-Present outstanding singing ability and technique
-Extra hours of recording including: recording guides, background vocals, harmonies, and ad-libs
-Provide support to the other vocalists
Jungkook was picked to be the Main Vocalist in the first place because he had excellent vocal skills and techniques. He was even wanted by 7 companies at a young age
Jk is in charge of explaining the producers’ vision to the others for their songs since he is so skilled at interpreting their vision

“Jk really knew what I was going for and made it his own...his vocal ability, his ability to understand producer’s vision and expressing it”
He has received universal praise from professionals all over the world including: critics, singers, vocal coaches and producers
Some of his most impressive vocal moments:
Taking on the role of the Main Vocalist requires a lot of extra work including recording layers, backing vocals, and ad-libs. In fact he’s referred to as the “chorus genius” since he’s often creating the backing and harmonies to enhance the choruses:
Another critical role he has as the Main Vocalist is providing guides or demos for their songs and even members solo songs.
“Musicians often use demos as quick sketches to share with bandmates or arrangers, or...for personal reference during the songwriting process”
A perfect example of Jungkook’s role in the group can be seen in this clip. Not only did he record the guide for the theme song, he also remained there extra hours to put the finishing touches to the he always does because it’s his job as MV!
Here’s another clip showing how Jungkook provides extra hours of recording for backing, harmonies etc. He provides those layers under the vocals to complement and elevate the song:
Jungkook harmonizes with both the vocalists AND rappers. Harmonizing requires perfect timing and ability to hear your voice and another’s voice simultaneously. If he’s not singing his own lines, you can catch him harmonizing in the background
JK will make the decision of how best to record the vocals with the tone of the song. During his Weverse interview, he stated: “I listened to how the other members recorded their parts for the song, and I a way that it would all blend together”
As the Main Vocalist, Jungkook will advise the other member on vocals when they need him:
Sadly, there are times one of the members might be sick or injured. Jungkook will then step up. He has sung and even rapped their parts when needed:
End Message:
To conclude, BigHit assigned the role of Main Vocalist to Jungkook. Not out of random choice or luck. He earned that role and he keeps earning it everyday with his technique, skills, talent, hours of extra work in the studio, and helping out the other members.
Don’t take my word for it. Or the media. Or even BigHit. Listen to BTS!! The boys you love and trust! They treasure Jungkook’s role and so should we all!
In the end, just remember that Jungkook always had one goal:
“I want to become a singer that can touch people with his voice...”
He’s worked this hard for us. To inspire us. To motivate us. Let’s be grateful for Jeon Jungkook 💜
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