2. When examining comrade Susans wiki page it becomes immediately apparent that she has ties to big pharma - notably the Wellcome Trust. No conflict of interest there then Susan?
3. Considering Comrade Susan is a self confessed marxist, it doesn't seemed to have stopped her trousering £50m for a Picasso with a weird provenance...
4. She is an extremely busy lady as she now sits on SAGE, SPI-B and Independent SAGE. Quite how Independent Sage can be from. SAGE with the same members is beyond me. How does that work Susan?
5. Susan is absolutely NOT an expert on any type of "virus" or disease of any sort. It is always worth remembering this when she pops up (frequently) on TV, on radio or in the press
6. Not being particularly bright, our Susan posted this on Twitter, and then promptly deleted it. Any reason why Susan?
7. Further reinforcing her reputation as being a bit dim, she then decides to ask Twitter why people are not adhering to masking. Now surely a behavioural pyschologist should know the answer. But what does Jeff from Leighton Buzzard think?
8. I have no idea what this means? But Bing certainly has an opinion
9. Susan is also clearly as mad as a box of frogs because she believes that covid can be eliminated worldwide. Which as we all now is impossible with a genuine coronavirus. Or maybe she knows something we don't...
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