My dad, who is 74, after hours of hassle online, got an appointment for a vaccine today in NYC.

It was a total mess

They made him wait in a massive line outside (social distancing!) in 34 degree weather, for over 2 hours.

Told him “2 more hours at least” just now

He left
He said it was almost all senior citizens in line. Sun has gone down, it’s freezing cold outside, and they’re expected to wait for hours more . These are people who all *have appointments*. They went through the absurd NYC health portal.

Such stupid bureaucratic bullshit
De Blasio and Cuomo are shamefully inept clowns. Democrat leadership of New York has put on a master class of mismanagement at every level.

How can you be running 4 hours behind (maybe more) to give people a shot in the arm? What was the point of the whole online appt system?
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