Before 11/08/16, I was secretly planning on shutting down (or at least mothballing)  as soon as the 4th #ACA Open Enrollment period was over. Traffic had been gradually dropping off as people got used to the ACA & it started to fade from the headlines.
My official day job as a website developer had suffered. What was supposed to have been a 6-month hobby in my spare time had turned into a full-time job, and I had lost web clients along the way. I figured it would be time to wind down ACA Signups & refocus on my web business.
Instead...well, you know what happened. On 11/09/16, I changed the header to this graphic, assuming that the #ACA was doomed. I even registered  and redirected it to the site.

I intended to keep the revised header up for 24 hours as a symbol of grief.
I was immediately flooded with texts, DMs, emails etc. from people pleading with me to keep the site up & running because "it's needed more than ever" etc etc. Instead of 24 hours, I ended up swapping it back again within an hour or so.
This chapter culminated in absurdly dramatic fashion with a vote in the wee early hours of July 28th, 2017, when, thanks to every Democratic Senator w/assists from Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and John McCain's famous "thumbs down", the ACA was saved:
There was a BUNCH of other stuff Trump & Verma did to hack away at the ACA around the edges...but to their great frustration, like the first Rocky movie, the law refused to go down no matter how much it was bloodied.
As stupid as the #TexasFoldEm case is (and believe me, I've written countless times how insanely stupid it is), it somehow managed to make its way all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which heard oral arguments one week after the 2020 election.
The good news is that in spite of the newly-Trump friendly 6-3 makeup of the Court, the oral arguments did *not* go well for the plaintiffs. Even Justice *Alito* seemed awfully skeptical that the case had any merit.
Anyway, we'll see what happens. I promise to continue to keep you posted on the latest craziness surrounding the #ACA, both good and bad, for as long as I can.

One way to help ensure I can keep doing so is to support my work either once or monthly: 
You can follow @charles_gaba.
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