I don't think of it like that, Mark. It’s important this sports story be shown in full light.

One conversation in an elevator & a business card is all that preceded this.

Do men even recognize how those normal business situations for a man are fraught for women? https://twitter.com/MarkAda39256232/status/1351655250143432712
Every. Single. Woman. Knows what this is. Knew it before the second of the 62 straight texts.

This is what it's like for women... simply existing in the world.

So this was egregious; the many, many that “aren’t as bad” have terrible consequences, too.
A friend called it the subconcussive hits of casual misogyny. They happen daily and our inability/refusal to recognize them affects everything after.

For the men it’s about power, entitlement and not fearing repercussions. And for women PART of it is about not being listened
to or heard or simply being considered. Example: this simple question from Yahoo’s @HannahRKeyser today:

“Sandy Alderson said they got all glowing reviews of character in interview process with Jared Porter. So I asked if they consulted any women. He said no."
Listen, now that I'm in this:

It’s been hours and hours of me seeing colleagues respond to feigned unawareness and ignorance. That people aren’t ready for this conversation is proof of the reality of it.

That me saying systemic sexism or “naked erect penis” on air is
something that someone would think is an issue is purposely avoiding. Purposeful avoidance is why we are here now.

I said this on @aroundthehorn today, another part of the story she left the business. How many have left? How many have been expunged and silenced.
That’s an example of not being heard. Nobody can possibly know what has been lost - victims of this failure of systemic sexism/misogyny (just like yesterday's story on black coaches) - but we know it’s a loss. How do you measure opportunities lost, jobs capped, spirits broken?
But are we strong enough to allow for ourselves to be uncomfortable and to listen to how we've been part of a system that is uneven and unfair? To allow those previously silenced voices to confront it, demand answers and proper reparations from it?
As has been pointed out, that was four men on our show today. We are in a position today (because of big world complications) where we couldn’t have our full roster. While it is necessary for men to publicly reckon with this, This is a story that needs to hear the experiences
of women in the business so I’m gonna post them now.
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