A Note To Those Who Follow Me: Four years ago, I think I had about 500 followers on twitter. Today, more than 15K. I am under no illusion that the increase is due to so many of you wanting to know my views on cybersecurity law and policy (my professional specialty) /1
Nor because of your love of my memes or my @Nationals fandom. I have every reason to think that most of the increase was because of the unicorn effect -- I was a rare breed -- a Republican who was opposed to Trump and spoke out about it regularly. That is still who /2
I am and the past 4 years have convinced me that commitment to truth and the rule of law are bedrocks that unite me more with some of the liberals whose policies I have opposed in the past than it does with my former allies who seem to have abandoned principle for power. /3
But I want to offer a word of warning -- that realization has not made me a liberal or a Democratic party member. I am still conservative in most of my views and I imagine that, as we move forward into a Biden administration there will be plenty of things he does that I /4
will be critical of because they are inconsistent with what I think is the best policy. When that happens I will say so and in doing so, I may disappoint some of those new 15K+ followers who came for the unicorn. :-)

But here is my promise to you (actually several promises): /5
1) Though I will speak against Biden policies I disagree with, I will also speak in favor of those he adopts that I consider to be good ones;

2) I am especially ALL IN for any and all policies that are designed to restore American norms around the rule of law; free press; /6
truth in politics; and the security of our election system. Those should be shared goals for everyone in America -- and if you don't share those goals you should be condemned (looking at you @GOP). And

3) Most importantly, I offer you a commitment to civility. /7
One of the key things the past 4 years has reminded me of is that we can disagree without being disagreeable. Sometimes, in the past, I think I've failed in that regard and seen political opposition as indicative of character to be condemned. To the extent I ever /8
did that, I repent my ways. After 4 years of Trump, the single most important thing is to be able to discuss policy differences in a thoughtful way. I will try hard to adhere to that policy (though I reserve the right to make an exception for Josh Hawley) and if I /9
fail in that regard I hope you will call me on it.

So there you have it -- if you came for the Republican Never Trumper but don't want to hear my conservative views, let us part ways amicably now.

But if you want to still want to hear my conservative voice /10
or if you just want to talk about my beloved Nats, or my second home in Costa Rica, stick around for the conversation. I am optimistic about the next 4 years, and I hope you will join me in the project of restoring America. /fin
You can follow @RosenzweigP.
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