I've been with @NEHumaneSociety for a year now.

Here are some things I've learned. (A thread)
First, don't push the Puppy Cart too hard or you'll be responsible for this gif.
The Puppy Cart requires a gentle nudge.
There's a lot more that goes on at NHS than just the adoptions, but I'll focus on that for now.

In a down year, about 10K animals were either adopted or returned to their owners in 2020.

TEN. THOUSAND. In a down year! That's amazing! That's sooo many more happy households.
Speaking of happy households, I often see folks talk about NHS as if it is the big, bad shelter that wants all your animals.

Nothing could be further from the truth. We want the animals to stay in their happy homes, and many folks here go above and beyond to ensure that happens.
And if an animal can't stay in its home or doesn't have one, it's amazing what people do to try to find them one. Including our vets. They do IMPOSSIBLE things for the animals. At least my simple mind can't comprehend some of it.
We try to share some of the best stories with you. Unfortunately, we could never share them all. But just know there is almost always some really cool stuff going on in the animal medical department at NHS. And in other departments, too!
Many of the animals that come in not only need immediate medical care, but often behavior care. They're frightened, scared and alone. They aren't sure about people or maybe other animals. We've seen dogs go from absolutely horrified to amazing pets thanks to our behavior staff.
And we aren't only teaching shelter animals to be great pets, our training staff teaches yours, too. We adjusted to COVID by adding in a weekly segment on social media about how to train your dogs. NHS offers classes and a FREE behavior helpline, too.

That's pretty neat stuff.
Now I'm moving on to volunteers and I can't even begin to word this nicely enough to capture what they do. Just last week they were walking shelter dogs IN A BLIZZARD, FOLKS.

They're doing that simply out of love and care for the animals. That's about as wholesome as it gets.
I know so much more now compared to a year ago, and I feel like I'm still just beginning to grasp what all happens here. We get questions everyday that I don't know the answers to, and my colleagues blow me away daily.
There are programs I hadn't heard of that do a ton of good, & the food pantry takes stress off of people going through tough times. Plus the wholesome content @NEHumaneSociety provides to give countless smiles. All of that is incredibly valuable, especially nowadays.
There's SO much more I'm not even touching on that many people would never think of.

Like laundry. Do you have ANY idea how much laundry there is here? Mountains of it. Plural. More in one day than most households do in a month. I could do a whole separate thread on that.
Of course, this all costs money. We occasionally get criticized for asking for donations.

NHS is a nonprofit and these animals deserve great care, and that's not possible without a staff. That's not possible without space. That's not possible without supplies.
Most of all, that's not possible without a great community. And Omaha has proven time and time again that it truly is. We hope that you'll continue to support us and sometimes read really long threads.

If you'd like, you can donate here: http://bit.ly/2J1e9NV 
I should also add that one of my favorite things is the names people come up with for the animals here. We have an incredibly disproportionate number of animals named Tugboat, but I'm here for it.
I should also add that I'm definitely forgetting to put more services & departments in this thread, & I'm doing a huge disservice by fitting full departments into one tweet. Please know my thread skills are suboptimal, and I apologize if I didn't include someone.
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