The fact that people think the lesson is “Trump is a dictator” rather than, “the racist minority who gave him his power can never be allowed to rule us ever again” tells me we’re going to be back here in 4-8 years.
The only discernible Republican goals have ever been the establishment of a permanent, white supremacist, apartheid theocracy, and all we have managed to dodge for now is the “permanent” part of that list. They’ve made headway in every other part of their agenda.
There’s no quarter with these people, because their agenda is inherently nihilistic. Every item on their platform has a common thread: it will make everyone’s lives worse, including their own voters.
Like, if you’re a Republican, does ending the right to safe abortion make your life better? No. Lives, especially lives in red states, will be ruined, women will die, and all you get out of it is a sense that you’ve owned the libs, and that Jesus is happy.
But, as for your actual life? It will be worse.
And that’s the same for every Republican policy. You love how police kill black people with impunity? That doesn’t actually make you any safer. You hate that people can marry whoever they want? Keeping them from doing so won’t fix your marriage.
You might feel good, briefly, but ultimately, you’ll be unsatisfied, because literally everything conservatives think they want is... nothing. And so, they think they just have to hate harder.
There’s nothing you can do with these people, and Trump leaving isn’t going to fix these people and their empty, hateful political party.
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