I've only been on twitter for a few months, but I'm already getting demoralized by how much misinformation gets propagated by the left.

And whenever anyone dares fact-check these claims, they get derided and labeled an establishment shill.

This is not the way to grow a movement
If you believe that the left has reality on its side—which I do—propagating such misinformation makes little sense. All it really does is make leftists seem like uninformed morons to anyone outside their echo chamber.
I think a major reason why this happens is that there is such a huge audience that loves nothing more than attacking the democratic party.

Thus, people are incentivized to exaggerate stories and bend the truth so they can continue to feed their audiences what they crave.
However, a lot of it is just people seeing what they want to believe and not looking past the headline. I've definitely been guilty of doing this, and I think we should all strive to be better than that.

The more our views are based on reality, the more successful we will be.
some ppl who I think have been good at not falling into these traps (just a few off the top of my head, so please reply with more)

@DarioRahim @SocDoneLeft @MouthyInfidel @soylent_slut @RileyGRoshong @jdcmedlock @VaushV @Th0risy @conureCC @MindWavesTV @Sondsol @DenimsTV
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