Look, I know a lot of you just don’t care about this because there are much bigger problems and I totally get it, but dammit, they’re breaking hospitality rules and you just don’t DO that. Back in the olden days, breaking guest rules on either side was a monstrous sin. https://twitter.com/beschlossdc/status/1351236636575739916
Like, the Devil himself could come to the house and by god you feed him til he can barely waddle. Otherwise what are you doing?
I dunno, this sort of thing has always bugged the hell out of me all out of proportion to the severity. Years ago NPR ran a thing about how people were pressuring their family members to vote, and one family threatened to kick their daughter out if she voted for Obama—
—and I was like “ugh,” but the next guy said he wouldn’t feed his brother in law. “He can come over, but he can’t have my barbecue!” And my jaw dropped because even though it’s obviously way less harsh than getting kicked out, it’s also just...you don’t DO that!
Ban them from the house, sure, you get to pick your friends, but if they’re there on your invite, you don’t refuse to feed them! That’s not how it works! Some god somewhere smites you for that!
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