Do not let @NYGovCuomo gaslight you or do some PR spin to clean up his image. He has not done a single thing to help the arts during the pandemic. He is no friend to the arts and those who work in it unless you're like Billy Joel.
Elected officials that *have* helped indy arts venues include @SenSchumer who ensured #SaveOurStages $ was in the federal relief act, @SenGianaris who organized small businesses & helped us lobby Cuomo, and Councilmember @JimmyVanBramer who wrote & passed the Open Culture bill.
Cuomo ignored all efforts from the NY Comedy Coalition, @nivassoc & others to allow us to operate outdoors. He was dismissive, arrogant & petulant while we offered valid, workable options. So instead we begged for relief aid just $75M of the billions in NY's share of CARES $.
Again, he scoffed. You could hear his lips curl at the notion of even lifting a finger to help the arts. In his State of the State, he's suddenly touting the importance of the arts in the economy. Perhaps because we already fixed it ourselves w/ Open Culture & the aid package.
Cuomo does not deserve accolades or your vote. He deserves to be primaried.
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