*THREAD* (~2 minute read)

Did you know that over 20% of Americans are at serious danger of losing their jobs by 2030?

Or that the 3rd most common job in the United States is about to be completely replaced?

Most people don't. This thread's goal is to change that.
Artificial Intelligence is one of the biggest issues not currently discussed enough in our society. This thread has polls it's only goal is to inform about A.I..

I appreciate anyone that answers the polls or RTs the thread to inform more people. Thanks
Poll 1 (This poll is a survey of how you felt before you saw the first tweet in this thread):

Do you believe A.I. is an issue that the federal government should take action on in the next 5 years?
Poll 2 (Also about how you felt before you saw the first tweet):

Do you believe the job you work right now could be done by a robot within the next 10 years? (If you're unemployed or still in school, answer this question with the job you assume you'd have once employed):
Every poll from this point on is informative and the answer is in the tweet directly after the poll. No cheating!
Poll 3: 20% of Americans seems big, but about how many people is that?
Correct answer: 66 million people. This figure comes from a study done by the federal government in 2016 that estimated 83% of Americans that make $20 an hour or less have a high probability of losing their job to automation. (pg. 14) https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/sites/whitehouse.gov/files/documents/Artificial-Intelligence-Automation-Economy.PDF
Poll 4: The 3rd most common job in America is at an extremely high risk of being automated. What is the 3rd most common job in America?
Correct Answer: Cashier. The U.S. Department of Labor said that about 3.6 million people work as cashiers as of May 2019. According to the source cited after poll 1, almost all cashier jobs will be replaced by self checkouts and A.I. in the near future. https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/area_emp_chart/area_emp_chart.htm
Poll 5: Which portion of America (by income) will have a larger share of their jobs automated in the next 10 years?
Correct answer: Lower 50%. As stated earlier, 83% of jobs that earn less than $20 an hour are at high risk of automation. But that doesn't mean the upper 50% is safe.

35% of jobs that earn MORE than $20 an hour are projected to be automated in the near future as well.
Poll 6: In the past, technology changing has created new jobs. There is no way to know the future, but do experts think A.I. will create new jobs as well?
Correct answer: Yes.

However these new jobs will be in the form of contract work and gig jobs such as Uber and Doordash. New jobs that will be created are likely to not provide anywhere near the same income and in some cases pay less than minimum wage.
Poll 7 (last poll): What percent of all tasks in an average job will machines by able to do in the next 4 years?
That's the informative part of this thread. If you made it this far, thank you!

The last 3 polls are a gauge of how you feel AFTER reading the thread.
Poll 8:

Do you believe A.I. is an issue that the federal government should take action on in the next 5 years?
Poll 9:

Do you believe the job you work right now could be done by a robot within the next 10 years?
Poll 10:

Did you learn something new from this thread?
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