I don't know if anyone will see this, but there's a lot of discussion about age and art around. As well as saying age doesn't matter, I'd also say throw out the concept of "catching up". Catching up with who? With what? It's arbitrary! You decide your own path.
Just like when you're starting out learning any skill, or even if you're going through a difficult development time with a skill, YOU are the one who sets goals, deadlines, etc for that skill. You can move goalposts and I promise you this isn't failure.
Sooner or later it becomes clear that there is no "endpoint" to skill development, particularly in art. Telling yourself to "catch up" might end up being very unhealthy for you mentally so definitely be careful about using this concept as a goal post!
Only use it if you can have self-dialogue about what "catching up" even looks like, what you expect the result to be, etc. Otherwise, as a nebulous concept, it could sabotage your work and mental healthy. Take care of yourself, art should be a rewarding journey!
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