I have no idea why The Last Jedi is trending, but here’s your regular reminder that it’s the best film of the new era and maybe the second best Star Wars movie ever made, right after A New Hope.

@rianjohnson scored a home run, even if a few mistakenly saw a strikeout.
The reason I think A New Hope is the best Star Wars movie is because it had the most to build from scratch.

The world. The characters. The stakes. The filmmaking. FX.

Lucas created a universe and the other films, great as they are, merely stood on the shoulders of that work
Empire is great, don’t get me wrong. I think it’s an incredibly well made film. But I think The Last Jedi is more complicated and ambitious and succeeds on a higher level.
It’s ok. You don’t have to agree with me. Or tell me you think I’m wrong.

We can all ruminate on this on our own.
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