Ok I’m gonna say this and I’m done.

I would love it if Johnny came back. Absolutely! But unfortunately and sadly that’s not going to happen.

In fact I was so angry w his resignation, that I thought about dropping FB, but that didn’t work for me. I made peace w the situation,
and moved on weeks before Mads Mikkelsen was cast.

When it comes to Fantastic Beasts, I
am a Harry Potter/Wizarding World fan first. In fact as a JD fan, this is the only movies I see not just for me. Usually I’ll watch a JD movie for him. JD was just a bonus for me w FB.
Just because I’m excited for Mads Mikkelsen as Grindelwald doesn’t mean I agree w WBs decision. What’s done is done. It’s not right to punish him for doing a job and he has zero to do w Johnny.

As a JD fan, and yes I am one! I will continue to support JD in his future roles and
support him w his trials.

As for Dan Fogler, this is an extremely unpopular opinion but I kind of agree w him when he said ‘it’s for the best’. He didn’t mean it to be malicious, maybe he could’ve said it better, but I understand w what he was saying. In regards to the movie
and the situation right now. Just have to make the best of it. The movie needs to move on and I wish people could just make peace and move on.

Ok I’m done. I’ve been sitting on this all day. Hope every one has a wonderful day!!
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