Hey everybody! Research expert here, since I wrote a play all about this subject. What @RepDonBacon is saying is a crazy-dumb exaggeration, and the equivalent of somebody wishing we could go back to pagers and cordless phones in the age of cellular technology. 1/ https://twitter.com/RepDonBacon/status/1351536089056612354
See, when the Nebraska Gov. agreed to the KXL pipeline, they crowed the pipeline would create thousands of jobs. In actuality, the ENTIRE LENGTH of the pipeline would be only 2500 jobs, maybe 500 contractors in NE, not local. Permanent jobs? 35, baby. That's it. 2/
ALSO, when the NE government agreed to this pig in a poke, they strong-armed farmers that didn't want the pipeline going through their land. They've kept them in lawsuits for over 9 years now. Not neighborly at all. 3/
The farmers and the indigenous folks even requested that TransCanada (now TC Energy) just twin to an existing pipeline that already has all the space and all the permits and stays off from the Oglala aquifer. But no. They plowed forward, regardless of environmental concern. 4/
TC Energy, Nebraska's governor, and apparently Mr. Bacon are all screeching now because this doomed project will cost a minimal amount of jobs and not endanger Nebraska's key and vital resource: our water and our land.

A glaring lack of imagination and innovation from them.
Four years ago, they put their trust in Trump to restart this dead project, while countless other scientists and entrepreneurs have been working for clean energy solutions that could place Nebraska at the forefront of the game. And, hello, MORE JOBS.6/
@RepDonBacon spent four years praising a zombie project that was bound to be put back in the ground. I challenge him to speak with the farmers that were impacted by threats of eminent domain. I have. I learned a lot. Wish he would. Fin/
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