[Thread] President Macron just addressed the 🇫🇷 Armed Forces on the occasion of his New Year's greetings. This speech was an opportunity to review the priorities of 🇫🇷 defense policy. A short thread on the main takeaways of this speech 👇 https://twitter.com/Elysee/status/1351567021784363009
The 🇫🇷 President first of all paid tribute to the French soldiers who died in action, 11 in 2020 and already 2 in January. As the first audience of the speech was the French army itself, President Macron expressed his gratitude for the commitment of French troops.
On the security environment, President Macron highlighted that the pandemic has accentuated the threats identified in the 2017 Strategic Review. An updated analysis of the Review will be made public in the coming days.

In the #Sahel, the “results are there”, one year after the Pau Summit. The temporary reinforcements of Operation Barkhane (+600 soldiers), decided one year ago, have put terrorist groups in "great difficulty".
Mobilization of European partners is also increasingly important, notably within the framework of TF Takuba. The President will travel to the N'Djamena Summit in February and decisions will be taken, including on “adjusting” the French presence.
In #Iraq and #Syria, the international fight against Daesh must be continued. ISIS retains an undeniable capacity for harm. France will pursue its military commitments (including through the upcoming deployment of 🇫🇷 carrier battle group). Hopes that 🇺🇸 will do the same.
In the #Mediterranean, in reaction to increasing illicit and human trafficking, France is participating in EU operation IRINI ( @EUNAVFOR_MED). France also stood alongside Greece and Cyprus when their sovereignty was threatened in the #EastMed.
In the Indian Ocean and the Arab-Persian Gulf, France has been at the forefront in international efforts for "stabilizing and preventing regional tensions", notably through Operation Agenor ( @EMASOH_AGENOR).
In the Indo-Pacific, 🇫🇷 has the ambition to be a "maritime and stabilizing power". Through its partnerships with 🇮🇳,🇦🇺,🇦🇪. Through its presence at sea. A submarine is currently deployed in Asia to demonstrate🇫🇷commitment to the Law of the Sea. https://twitter.com/AntoineBondaz/status/1351588885525127171?s=20
All of these efforts are part of a genuine European ambition. "NATO engagement does not prevent or interfere with European strategic autonomy. But to be credible within NATO, there needs to be a strong, more united, more conquering Europe". [End]
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