A lot of people have been asking me what I think about Erin O'Toole's recent backstabbing of Derek Sloan. I think this article sums it up perfectly.

1. If he wanted to remove Sloan for ideological reason he should have had the guts to come out and say so. {Thread}
Instead, he used talking points from Trudeau's Liberals and their friends in the media, that Sloan was somehow complicit in receiving a small donation from an apparent white supremacist using a fake name.
This is disingenuous. Campaigns never conduct detailed background checks on donors, the Party itself allowed the individual to become a member, and Sloan returned the money once he became aware of who the individual was.
If O'Toole held himself to the same standards as Sloan, he would have to kick himself out of the Party.
2. As it is obvious the real reason for removing Sloan from caucus was optics and ideology, it reeks of the same kind of 'cancel culture' and lack of respect for opposing views that O'Toole promised to stand up to during the last leadership race.
Instead, what he should have done, is allowed a nomination challenge in Sloan's riding and publicly supported his opponent if he saw fit - letting the local Conservative Party members decide the fate of the MP democratically, while at the same time clearly articulating his views.
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