A lot of Never Trump Republicans who found new purpose in resisting Trump are going to need to reflect on their role starting tomorrow. The easy default will be to become a dispenser of unsolicited advice, nudging the Democratic Party to the right. This advice should be ignored.
You were welcomed into the tent, because there was a common enemy to democracy. But please do not use your position in the tent to smuggle in the austerity agenda that you didn't renounce even as you scorned Trump.

Your most important work now is to fix your own side.
Do not use the goodwill you have built up to call for healing over accountability.

Do not spend your anti-fascist clout on shooting down ideas like a wealth tax or Medicare for All.

Do not try to be the moderate whisperers of the party.
Until now, what too few in the mainstream wanted to discuss was that you were complicit in every step that led to this presidency, if not in the presidency itself. Now that Trump's gone, it's time to grapple with your role in Iraq, Katrina, rising inequity.
By all means, remain part of a new coalition for justice and equity and a pluralistic future. Love to have you.

But don't presume to lead the cause. Don't rightsplain to it. Take a back-row seat and be thankful to belong to a team working to undo decades of damage.
TL;DR: By all means, come into our big tent. Doesn't matter if you're super-late. Just don't appoint yourself a pole.
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