Tomorrow marks the end of the worst presidency in US history, capped by the worst twelve months possible. This thread is in thanks to those people and entities that made it somewhat bearable. Feel free to RT and add to.
What would this year have been like without this whole damn Interwebs? Thank you, @algore!
Thanks you to the makers of #Zoloft. Dear lord, I'm cranky enough with it, I'd have been unbearable without it.
Blessed by my mistress, @LittleDebbie. Because sometimes, you just need to scarf a half a box of Swiss Rolls to get through the day.
Because you have to laugh while being informed, I'll forever be in debt to @LateNightSeth and @sethmeyers and @ambermruffin and @salgentile .
In my check register, I now list @netflix under Utilities instead of Entertainment. I watch Netflix this year. All of it.
Nothing better than having like-minded friends on here, so even the worst take can count on 1-4 likes. Thanks @Pinonica, @leslieemullin, @difficultdarlin, and @mrs_hippiequeen, to tag just a few.
When you need a wise and funny oasis in your doom scrolling, you can count on @twisteddoodles
You can't beat @classic_film and @SilverAgeTV for reminding us of great moments in media.
I'll be damned if there isn't some great TV out there now, including @ZoeysPlaylist, #Evil, @prodigalsonfox, @AmericanWifeABC, @ExpanseOnPrime, and @startrekcbs.
You have to laugh, no matter what life throws at you, and no one helps more than @GaryGulman "The thing that they don't tell you growing up about life is this... Life, unh, is Every. Single. Day."
Storck Chocolate Riesen. Enough said.
@Airborne_Toxic, @YoYo_Ma, and a dozen other artists that kept me enraptured while working at home.
They kept most of Texas running because that's what @HEB does. (Still need to get rid of those My Pillows, though)
My favorite authors, @authorpetermay, @paulGtremblay, @JamesSACorey, and @ememess. Pro tip: follow your favorite authors; they tend to be very responsive to their fans.
I was late to the party, but discovered three great shows that saw me through the year. @JustifiedFX, @LuciferNetflix, and @HellOnWheelsAMC.

Cullen Bohannon, as portrayed by @ansonmount, is one of my favorite characters in fiction, truly iconic.
That's my list, I'm sure I left out people and shows and foods, but it took a lot to get us through this nightmare. Here's hoping @JoeBiden, @KamalaHarris, and #DrFauci can lead us into a better situation.
My lunch break was almost over and I was rushing, but I'd be remiss if I didn't call out the insanely brilliant contributions of @sarahcpr, @blaireerskine, @BrentTerhune and @RandyRainbow. Good God, they made me laugh so much this year.
You can follow @3CallFinagle.
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