Wonder Egg Priority
Episode 2 breakdown

This episode builds upon the themes of last episode. Last episode Ai decides she will no longer turn a blind eye and will choose to see.
This episode takes another step forward and forces to make Ai take another personal step for-

-ward. Ai is forced to act. Even when she could see, she couldn't help her friend in the past. She hid.
There are parallels of this in both the real world and dream world.
The themes of this episode follow a story similar to the story in her own past, where her friend -

- was being physically and verbally bullied. Ai chose not to act. We see how Minami is being treated as a way to express this. The theme being "Wonder Killer" because all of the wonder of what Minami loved was sucked out because of the abuse. She wanted to be accepted -

- and loved, but was instead abused and made to feel terrible about herself, starting to believe that she was worthless. She and Koito both were believed to be fearless, but because at this point, they weren't scared to die anymore. They found themselves worthless.

-teacher made Minami think it was her fault for not trying hard enough and not being good enough.
Ai realized in this episode is that she and Koito can't just run and hide from this. That won't solve her problems. She has to tackle them head on. But to not rush yo-

-urself is also important. We also see now that Ai is no longer invincible once she realized that she had to choose to see, unlike when she was ignoring things and not getting visibly hurt until the after-effects.
I kind of rushed this thread because I have class in a bit so it may sound a bit jumbled, but did my best to kind of breakdown some of the thoughts and impressions I got lol

10/10 imo
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