THREAD: I have to say this bc it is out there floating around & it’s incredibly dangerous. We r in the position w the most corrupt criminal evil inept lawless creature as a result of a failure of both checks & balances & “it can’t be done” mentality. We must without fail 1/
address nepotism, failure to divest assets, stock trades as legislators, failure to uphold ethics, a floating OLC memo, an untested pardon right, the necessary limitations of the executive we currently lack, the conspiracy run directly from the WH w a hostile foreign power 2/
to both obtain power over our government & to then overthrow it in favor of a dictatorship (look how close they came to doing so). We must also examine the justice system & the inequality existing therein, address women’s rights & the ERA. We must LOOK BACK & hold accountable 3/
every single criminal involved in this corrupt administration (re criminal organization). Walking away because it would be retroactive punishment and that “can’t” be done is where we fail as a democracy. It simply sets the stage for someone like 45** who would actually have a 4/
brain & could read and be even more destructive & NOT fail in toppling a republic. We sit here less than 24 hours from a new administration WITH hindsight & to still argue we should walk away from pardons alleged to be in cement is so dangerous. SO dangerous. The constitution 5/
is a living breathing document (unless you sit in judgment as an originalist). We no longer have muskets but AKs & that wasn’t envisioned. We had slavery and that had to be amended. Women couldn’t vote or own land and we fixed only that. What about The Bill of Rights? What 6/
the yet to be enacted Equal Rights Act or the John Lewis Voting Rights Act? Now we have hindsight on the holes & failures of all 3 branches & we won’t look back & correct those retroactively? It’s provable insurrection/treason & corruption & we walk away? The pardons we 7/
have seen & will see today or even later as unsealed will be unparalleled in our history. & guess what? They are being reviewed & chosen by Ivanka & Jared & a 45** loyalist lawyer & that’s insane. Why do we allow THESE ppl to get away w anything? Bc certain ppl don’t have guts 8/
And that’s sad. We were beaten to within an inch of our lives and this virtually destroyed our democracy. As a patriot I will NEVER stop advocating for all accountability for everyone who did what they did to us these past 4 years. Absolutely no. I cannot say without enough 9/
conviction & seriousness that if we do not establish the new law, hold the appropriate federal review through the courts, enact new legislation, a commission on Russia/insurrection issue, an independent counsel/commission on all 45** crimes, etc, we FAIL as a democracy. 10/
I don’t know about y’all but I didn’t not sleep every day for 4 years, spend every spare minute I don’t have dealing w the legal/political issues & crimes of this admin, nor watch as civil rights were stripped from everyone not a white male heterosexual w money for absolutely 11/
nothing and to watch these corrupt pardons march on & allow these criminals to go unpunished for the most egregious of crimes against our country. This has not been a standard admin & it requires a non-standard response. We need passion & guts as the std not the exception. END
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