For a creative with ADHD, even the smallest obstacle between you and your work can completely derail your plans for the day. Did you put aside your midi keyboard yesterday? There's a good chance you'll decide setting it up isn't worth it and you'll put off your work til tomorrow.
A significant part of your creative life will be devoted to removing as many of those obstacles as possible. Setting up a dedicated space for your work, that's always available and has no other purpose, makes a huge difference, for example.
This is why I never cared for the mindset that great art only comes from severe limitation. There's nothing wrong with wanting to spend the money to get better tools for your work, or devoting extra effort to make yourself comfortable while you work.
One of the uncomfortable truths of the world is that many, many of the great artists we admire had lives of privilege and comfort, or had lots of help from others who remain uncredited. They often just had fewer obstacles than most of us. So why should you suffer unnecessarily?
I think we all feel some shame when we notice that such small, seemingly insignificant obstacles completely block our creativity. How can I be a "real" artist if something as simple as, say, a messy room completely kills my creativity?
Well I'm here to tell you that you don't have to be ashamed of it. It happens to me, it happens to everyone. If you feel seen by this thread, you're a real artist and you deserve the space and comfort to make your art how you want to.
You can follow @benprunty.
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