1/ Right-wing extremism and white nationalism in the US armed forces is a major problem. Spotlight: neo-Nazi extremist Vince Anthony Salvadalena of Snohomish, WA; more recently, serving in the @USArmy at Fort Bragg, NC.
4/ As "Lupus_Dei-NC" Vince Salvadalena used an altered image of neo-Nazi murderer Anders Breivik wearing a skull mask as his avatar. He collected and disseminated personal information on dozens of antiracists as revenge for blowback following the "Unite the Right" rally in 2017.
5/ He did this while serving in the US Army. How do we know? He told us, as we see here in posts elsewhere on Discord.
6/ But his real name was discovered in the #IronMarch leaks, where the dummy used his personal email to register. He posted there as "Úlfhédnar." Other statements made on Iron March corroborate statements made in the Discord leaks.
8/ Salvadalena posted some pretty rotten stuff on Discord and Iron March. Also, he claimed to be a member of extremist groups and sought connections with other groups.
9/ All of this while being a soldier in the US Army. In the 50th Expeditionary Signal Brigade at Fort Bragg, NC, to be be exact. Here he is at his Air Assault School graduation, something he talked about in both Iron March and Discord.
10/ Salvadalena's dad happens to be a King County WA sheriff deputy. To be clear, Vince and dad do not see eye-to-eye on key issues. Nevertheless, Vince wants to become a cop after he gets out of the military, probably later this year. Needless to say, he shouldn't be a cop.
11/ He's been laying low since the leaks but we doubt his views have changed. Is this the kind of person you want serving in the military? If you are a soldier would you want to serve with this guy?
There is no place for racists and fascists in the military, in our communities--anywhere!

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