Why, of COURSE you have freedom of speech! You're just not allowed to say anything the Ministry of Truth has determined to be false.

By the way, the Ministry of Truth has determined that claiming your freedom of speech has been violated is a dangerous falsehood.
Well, of COURSE you're allowed to vote. We love democracy! Anything that makes it harder to vote is a crime against democracy!

You're just not allowed to vote on things the Ministry of Science has determined are too complex for you to understand. The list grows steadily longer.
Of COURSE we want you to prosper! We want to raise the minimum wage. We're brimming with smart pro-business policies!

Be advised that the Ministry of Virtue will decide when your ambitions have curdled into greed and you must be punished with confiscatory taxation.
Of COURSE we'll be fair and just! We love justice! We hate inequality more than anything else!

The Ministry of Equality will decide exactly what "equality" means, and which evil people must be treated unequally in order to achieve it. Rest assured, they deserve to suffer.
We love freedom! We want everyone to be free. Most important is freedom from want. The Ministry of Freedom will issue strict orders that must be obeyed without question so that everyone can be free from the tyranny of needs.
Above all, we want peace, love, tolerance, and healing. To that end, the Ministry of Healing will issue regular bulletins identifying the enemies of love. All good citizens are required to hate them with furious intensity and be absolutely intolerant of their beliefs. /end
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