Omega Katsuki has a body that every Alpha drools over, so when they get a chance to fuck him, they're overjoyed. Well, until they realise that Katsuki isn't like most Omegas... /Nobody/ can satisfy him. But can Izuku change that? Depends on his choices...
Most Omegas moan helplessly when they're being fucked, tears streaming down their faces as they beg for their Alpha's knot. They'll be screaming, whining... but not Kacchan. Kacchan lies there with annoyance, rolling his eyes and complaining. At least, that's what Izuku's heard.+
Kacchan sleeps around a lot, a different Alpha every heat, but no one more than once and never Izuku. In fact, Izuku's sure that Kacchan hasn't even looked at him twice that way. He'd slept with every Alpha when they were at U.A. except for Izuku and Mineta. And Izuku's not one +
to judge others, but being put in a category with Mineta and only Mineta is honestly insulting. What is it about him that's so unappealing? They work at the same agency, they're friends, and Kacchan doesn't hesitate to tell him about every sexual experience he has, in detail. So+
one day, while they're grabbing drinks after work and Kacchan is complaining about how he doesn't have anyone to hook up with during his heat ("Ugh, the last fucker called me his horny little cockslut, and I was literally there trying not to fucking /laugh/"), Izuku blurts out: +
"W-What about sleeping with me? I can take care of you!"
Kacchan almost spits out his drink, giving Izuku an incredulous once-over. Izuku holds himself steady. He's got a body to be proud of; he towers over Kacchan nowadays, and he's sure his hands could fit around Kacchan's +
waist if he tried (he never has, but that can change, right?)... He has nothing to worry about.
"You? Sleep with me?" Katsuki repeats, before bursting into laughter. "Deku, you literally hear me complain about every stupid extra Alpha I've ever slept with. No one's ever been +
good enough to keep, and I'm not just sleeping with you /once/ for the fun of it. I doubt you could even keep up with me, let alone /sate/ me... No offence, nerd, but it's not happening."
Izuku swallows, trying to ignore the lump in his throat as he nods and takes a long swig of+
his drink. He wants to defend himself, wants to tell Kacchan that he'll be different to all the other Alphas, that he'll make Kacchan an incoherent /mess/, but Kacchan would never believe him, and besides, if he tries to talk now, /he'll/ end up being the one crying. It goes +
beyond sex for Izuku, after all. Kacchan is amazing, the perfect person and the perfect Omega. There's no one else for him, but no matter how much they might tease each other, no matter how close they might be, no matter how /confidently/ Kacchan can trust him with the dirty +
details of his sex life, he knows he'll just be a friend. He was stupid to even ask, he should've just-
"Oi... Does it really mean that much to you?" Kacchan asks quietly, noticing Izuku's sudden silence. Izuku forces a smile and shakes his head, but before he can say anything +
to actually defend himself, Kacchan scoffs. "Bullshit, that was a fake smile. Your stupid eyes didn't crinkle dumbass, I know you better than that. I'm willing to make a deal with you. You get /one chance/. If you don't satisfy me, the way I /know/ you won't, you pay for my next+
ten sex toys, no matter how fucking expensive they are."
"And if I do satisfy you?" Izuku breathes, hardly able to believe his luck.
"You get to keep fucking me," Kacchan grins, downing his drink in one. "My heat starts on Saturday. I'm so ready to get those free sex toys." +
"Oh, we'll see about that, Kacchan," Izuku beams right back.
When Kacchan swings the door open on Saturday morning, Izuku is hit by the overwhelming scent of burnt caramel and honey... /Kacchan's/ scent.
"H-Hi, Kacchan, are you-?" Izuku tries, only for Kacchan to grab him by+
the neck and pull him in for a filthy kiss right there in the open doorway. Izuku obliges, leaning down to hoist Kacchan up into his arms as they make out. He kicks the door shut and cages Kacchan in against the door, hands sinking into the Omega's thick thighs.
"Ohhh, for +
/fuck's/ sake, Deku, enough with the foreplayy," Kacchan complains. /Not/ a good sign. "Just take me to the bedroom and fuck me already, this plug isn't doing /shiiit/!"
πŸ‹ IZUKU: πŸ‹
Izuku just chuckles lowly against the Omega's skin, pressing his hulking body against Kacchan's curvy one as a hand slips between those delicious thighs.
"Mm, Kacchan, behave yourself," Izuku teases, squeezing at Kacchan's clothed erection cheekily. "The least you can do is say +
"Ugh, seriously, Deku?" Kacchan says, placing his hands on Izuku's chest and /shoving/ backwards so that Izuku loses his balance and topples back onto the floor. He's still gripping Kacchan, forcing the Omega to fall flush against his chest. They stare at each other +
for a moment, Izuku acutely aware of the way his own erection slots between Kacchan's clothed cheeks, before Kacchan huffs and scrambles away, dusting himself off. Izuku stares up at him from the floor. Has he fucked this up already?
"I don't need another Alpha thinking they own+
me just like /that/, you little shit. If you want me to fucking listen to you, then /earn/ it. In the meantime..." He approaches Izuku again, swinging his hips seductively from side to side. With his legs boxing Izuku in, he lowers himself slowly, /slowly/, down, until he's +
straddling the large tent in Izuku's pants. He wiggles a little, adjusting himself until he's comfortable, and then he flicks his gaze to Izuku under half-lidded eyes.
"I'm gonna play with my body, I'm gonna show you how's it /done/, and you, /Alpha/, are gonna watch like a good+
boy," he purrs, Izuku's cock twitching in betrayal. He swallows, and nods. Kacchan, not breaking eye contact, slides his shirt up slowly until his chest springs free, perky nipples already pebbled. He cups his pecs, squeezing a little and sighing in pleasure, before moving to +
flick his nipples. A light blush plays across his face, the flush deepening when he starts to pinch and rub his sensitive nipples. He bites his lip, trying not to moan even as his hips start rocking back and forth. Izuku can feel more and more slick dripping through the fabric +
as he grinds against him, and he has to clench his hands into fists to stop himself from /doing/ something. God, Kacchan is so /tempting/...
"Like what you see, big boy?" Kacchan taunts, noticing his clenched fists. "Bet you wish you could /touch/, huh? Bet you wanna play with +
my nipples, suck them and /worship/ my chest while your big hands wrap /all the way/ around my waist, don't you? Bet you wish you could buck up and grind, wish you could /rip/ right through my trousers and fuck my wet hole, huh? Well, you /can't/, you horny /dumbass/."
"Kacchan," Izuku chokes out, voice dripping with lust. "P-Please..."
"Please /what/, Deku?" Kacchan responds coyly, leaning forward so that his chest hovers over Izuku's face. "Use your words, Alpha."
"Kacc-Kacchan, /please/, let me touch you," Izuku begs, unable to take his +
eyes off Kacchan's gorgeous chest. "You're so /sexy/, Kacchan, I-I wanna make you feel /good/-"
Kacchan closes the gap between them before he can finish speaking, making out with him with a desperation that wasn't nearly as obvious before. Kacchan's in /heat/ after all; Izuku +
needs to remember that. Then again, the slick soaking through Kacchan's trousers and pooling between them is reminder enough - Kacchan's /liking/ this.
"Fuuuck," he gasps, grabbing Izuku's hands and placing them on his waist where they /do/ connect. Oh, his waist is absolutely +
/tiny/, and the knowledge just makes Izuku's dick throb with /need/. But this isn't about Izuku, it's about making /Kacchan/ feel good, and Izuku doesn't waste a second in lunging forward into a sitting position so that his mouth can latch against one of Kacchan's puffy +
nipples. He laps at it enthusiastically over and over, before sucking and nibbling with just as much eagerness. His hands squeeze Kacchan's waist before one hand travels up to fondle the other nipple between his large fingers while a hand palms at Kacchan's drenched, clothed +
hole. When he comes up for air, looking up at Kacchan, Kacchan is panting, face cherry red. Izuku just smiles, removing his now slicked-covered hand and licking each like they're the best thing on Earth.
"Mmm, Kacchan, you taste so /delicious/, you're so perfect," he murmurs, +
before diving back into worshipping his chest, moving to the other nipple to give it equal treatment. His hand returns to his clothed hole, and Kacchan /rocks/ against it, grinding hard and fast.
"Fuck, fuuuck," Kacchan pants out, before biting down hard on his lip to muffle any+
further sounds. But Izuku knows he's getting there, can tell by the way Kacchan's eyes threaten to roll back as he loses himself in the sensation, can tell by the slick gushing from his sopping hole. Kacchan /wants/ him... How is he going to make the blond /admit it/?
Izuku's so aroused that he can barely speak right, but he still manages to string together a sentence, pulling back and cupping Kacchan's face. He looks /gorgeous/, eyes drooping in arousal, a blush smattered across his cheeks, lips swollen from biting so hard just to keep those+
pretty noises contains. He wants to get /on/ with it, wants to scoop Kacchan up and carry him to the bedroom the way Kacchan had asked him to before he messed up, but he knows now that it's better not to take initiative.
"What do you want me to do, Kacchan?" Izuku asks +
lovingly, to which Kacchan...
He /scowls/.
"Fucking /hell/, Deku, way to kill the mood," Kacchan grumbles. Izuku blinks.
"I- How am I killing the mood by asking you what /you/ want!? Is-Isn't that what you wanted me to do!?" Izuku responds, affronted. Kacchan +
rolls his eyes and climbs off his lap (Izuku doesn't miss the way his legs tremble; he might be acting bratty, but he's still in /heat/), staring down at him in disdain.
"I don't want you to be a fucking /knothead/ and demand things from me that you haven't fucking earned, but +
I don't wanna be /coddled/ either, I'm not fucking fragile!"
"I didn't mean it like that, I just wanted-" Izuku tries, but Kacchan's not willing to listen in his heat-addled state.
"You don't need me to /hold your fucking hand/, so stop looking at me like a kicked puppy! Fuck, +
this was a mistake. I can't believe I actually fucking thought /you/ could satisfy me."
"What does that mean!?" Izuku challenges, hurt. "I'm not acting like a kicked puppy, I- Look, Kacchan, I'm sorry. You're right, I should've tried harder. I'll get you some water, give you-" +
"Oh for /fuck's sake/, stop with the bullshit!" Kacchan snaps. His legs wobble involuntarily, and he catches himself against the wall, before standing upright again and gritting his teeth. "I /know/ where all my heat supplies are, I don't need your shitty chivalry. So tuck your +
tiny dick away, and /leave/."
Kacchan /is/ right in one thing: he can't stay here. He can feel his Alpha instincts starting to control him, and that's the last thing he needs right now. But he can't help saying: "Kacchan, you know my dick isn't small."
"What, from your pathetic +
bulge?" Kacchan mocks. /He's in heat/, Izuku reminds himself, /he doesn't mean it/. "Ha, extra stuffing, most likely. It's probably the size of my finger, isn't it? Bet you couldn't even reach my prostate if I let you, bet I'd have more chance of getting fucking pregnant if I +
pumped my belly full of fake cum than having your /worthless/ cum-ahhh!?"
Izuku /pounces/ on him, pinning him to the ground with his wrists over his head and Izuku's knee between Kacchan's thighs. He growls softly, sharp canines bared at the omega even as he tries to control +
"Kacchan, take that /back/," he snarls, leaning down to mouth at Kacchan's scent glands in an act of dominance. But Kacchan doesn't bare his neck; he spreads his legs further and says, dangerously quiet:
"You don't scare me, Deku. You think I haven't dealt with a +
pre-rutting Alpha before? Think again, nerd. I could have you out of this room faster than you could /ever/ claim me. But you're holding back, I can see it in your eyes. So for that, I'll give you one more chance. You want me to take back what I said? Then /show me/."
(I'll continue tomorrow morning! If you're enjoying this thread, consider supporting me on Ko-Fi or Patreon, it really motivates my writing πŸ₯ΊπŸ’•
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