tl reminder you are only allowed to imitate quackity's "mexican dream" character if you are MEXICAN, not just hispanic or latino. the character is based off a cholo, which is a chicano, or mexican, stereotype. (explanation in thread)
before you say "quackity is playing off of all hispanic stereotypes, not just mexican", his "friends" from tommy's stream are cholos, they are the literally the second google result for cholo if you don't believe me. his character is based off of a cholo, and that is a fact.
the reason im saying only mexicans, not all latinos, is because the term cholo is a mexican stereotype, not a hispanic or latino one. if you want to go to back to its roots, it came from the casta system that was used by spanish colonizers in mexico, as another word for mestizo +
+ but modernly it was slang for mexican "gangsters", as a derogatory term used for mexicans that were low-income or involved in gangs. although some people chose to reclaim it during the chicano movements in the 60's, it still originated as a derogatory term towards mexicans. +
+ therefore only mexicans can do the impression. If youre still having trouble understanding why only mexicans and not all hispanics or latinos, think of the way only mexicans can reclaim the slur beaner. It is targeted at us specifically, therefore only we can reclaim it.
TLDR: quackity bases his character off of the chicano subculture (cholos) specifically, not hispanic/latino culture in general. therefore due to the origins of the cholo stereotype only mexicans can do it, not all hispanics or latinos and especially not white people
adding on to the end of this thread im not saying that white people aren't allowed to speak spanish. Im saying that if you are not mexican you cannot purposefully imitate the heavy accent associated with the cholo subculture, call yourself a cholo, or dress like one.
adding on to this really late because someone brought up a good point: if you are hispanic/latino and you naturally have the accent than you are fine. you cannot help having the accent and it is not done with malicious intent. but if you are hispanic/latino and do not +
+ naturally have the accent, than you CANNOT force it or imitate it because thats when it starts to become borderline mocking
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