Found some sardines in my pantry and wished aloud (as one does) that I knew what to do with them besides put them on a cracker. Like, some hipster wizard stuff. @ChuckWendig said dude, @altonbrown has a recipe for Sherried Sardine Toast. So let’s do this and see what happens!
First, ya need 2 tins of sardines in olive oil. You drain the olive oil into two bowls. It’s gonna have fishy solids in there. Awwww yeah.
Next, chop some fresh parsley. I remember back in the 70s nobody ate parsley. They just put it on the side of the plate next to their meat gelatins and other horrors in an attempt to make it pretty. Everyone smoked and couldn’t taste anything, so l dunno why they avoided it.
So Alton says add a tablespoon of sherry vinegar to one bowl, plus lemon zest, parsley, and pepper. Problem is, sherry vinegar is hard to find. I am subbing in champagne vinegar, so these are CHAMPAGNED SARDINES, which makes them hipster af
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