Anthony Hopkins asked the wardrobe team to give him a fitted prison suit — not just a drab orange jumpsuit for his Hannibal Lecter character: “I knew what the character looked like. The voice had come to on the first reading" 
1. “Is it a children’s story?”

When Hopkins first received the screenplay for “The Silence of the Lambs,” he initially thought it was for a film for kids 
2. Where did Hannibal’s voice come from?

"The voice had come to on the first reading," Hopkins said.

Foster recalled how Hopkins sounded. “I remember that specific voice you had, the metallic tinge to your voice” 
3. Similarly, Foster found her way to Clarice through her diction.

In Foster’s interpretation of Clarice, she spoke slowly & with trepidation. She didn’t use contractions in her syntax, because she tried to present herself as better educated than she was 
4. Hopkins stayed in character between takes.

As he was discovering Lecter, Hopkins snapped at one of the members of the crew: “What are you doing in my cell?” Director Jonathan Demme was thrilled. “Oh my god,” the director told him. “You’re so weird” 
5. Hannibal’s cell was scary as it looked.

“It was such an eerie set,” Foster says. “All the different inmates, all very dark and moody, and then we come to Lecter’s: It’s kind of bright and fluorescent lighting and two-dimensional” 
6. The man — and the machine — who inspired Lecter.

Hopkins cites two inspirations for creating the character of Hannibal Lecter. HAL 9000, the A.I. antagonist from "2001: A Space Odyssey," and Christopher Fettes, a teacher who taught Hopkins 
7. They still see “Silence of the Lambs” as a defining point in their careers.

“It’s a life-changing adventure, that movie, for both of us,” Foster says 
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