These have all been part of MWA’s calls since early in the pandemic as we encountered staggering numbers of UI & stories of hardship in the indie music sector ( )- incl. 71% of musicians & DJs surveyed losing 3/4 or more of their income during the pandemic.
. @jsf: “The current $300-a-week boost, bundled into the December stimulus package, expires in mid-March, long before stages are expected to reopen…” 3/7
“...For all its shortcomings, the program has established a precedent that the Biden administration must build upon: that artists, like other gig workers, are full participants in the national economy — and need to be taken care of as such.” 4/7
“But until last month...this govt barely acknowledged the crisis that Covid-19 has posed to culture. Nor have private philanthropists filled the gap; while some large foundations have stepped up disbursements, total giving to N American arts orgs has slackened by 14% on avg” 6/7
“I’ve listened to painters & performers weep over canceled shows & tours, salivate over more generous government support in Europe or Asia, & ask themselves whether 2021 is the year to abandon their careers.” We found the same:  #UI #Gigworkers 7/7
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