The ultra left, anarchists, the “intersectional” Marxists are all strategizing that they can build a movement comprised of primarily the already politically advanced

Folks who, through their own individual study, side with revolution.

Communists understand this isn’t possible
Communists understand that revolution is a process. That the broad masses will be riddled with contradictions. But that those contradictions are opportunities for political development not reasons to exclude and gatekeepe who can partake in or even lead revolution
This method of thinking is the result of obvious political frustrations,the failures to organize and educate on a mass scale.

We have in effect atomized the very concept of revolution.
But as Friere makes clear, the oppressed peoples “ are contradictory, divided beings, shaped by and existing in a concrete situation of oppression and violence”

With out a mass scale educational project, how are we, in the belly of the beast, to expect them to be different?
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