17 March 2020 - NHS RESPONSE to C0VID-19:

Free up 30,000 beds:
- Postpone all non-urgent elective operations
- Urgently discharge inpatients who are fit to leave
- Block-buy capacity in private hospitals
- Free up community hospital beds

Prepare for large numbers of inpatients requiring respiratory support:

- Secure a step change in oxygen supply
- National procurement for mechanical ventilation
- DHSC reports there is adequate supply of PPE❕
- Segregate all patients with respiratory problems
NHS Staffing:

- Support staff to stay well & at work
- Establish targeted staff testing for symptomatic staff
- Support the provision of telemedicine
- Asking clinicians to return to practice
- Deploy medical/nursing students
- Staff to work beyond usual boundaries
Wider measures:

- Roll out remote consultations (reduce face2face)
- Reduce patient visitors
- Cancel all CQC inspections
- Dedicated C0VID 111 service

“Whatever extra resources our NHS needs to cope with coronavirus – it will get.”
Impact of discharges & cancellation of elective care coupled with reduced emergency attendances resulted in UNUSED spare capacity: 30,000+ general beds cleared and a further 10,000 closed.
RESULT: 3 million unused bed nights (>3x times usual spare capacity) in spring quarter ⬇️
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