Got the book “Turning the tide on plastic” by @lucysiegle for my birthday and found it inspiring and devastating in how it highlights our huge issue with plastics. So I kept a plastic diary for 4 weeks to see how much I was a part of the problem (inspired by @PlasticEveryday)
Always thought of myself as quite environmentally conscious. I already have a reusable bottle, coffee cup and face mask. Still it turns out it’s really damn hard to avoid plastic in day to day life
In 4 weeks, 2 people used 191 plastic items:
25% was easily avoidable
190 of which were single use (!!)
96% we bought ourselves
80% went in the bin, 20% for recycling
95% was food packaging
This highlighted how much we really use, and where we can easily make a change. Eg buying as much loose fruit and veg as we can, replacing porridge sachets with bags of oats, shampoo bars, and goodbye to cheeky meal deals. Loads of ideas on @jointheSHiFT_ if you’re interested!
I’m a materials scientist, plastic is an amazing and versatile material, but need to reduce use and waste to prevent more environmental damage! 8m tonnes of plastic end up in the ocean every year and predicted more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050! @circulareconomy
Microplastics have been found from the top of Everest to the Mariana trench, so it’s super important we all make changes to stop damaging our incredible planet

If you got this far, thank you for indulging my thesis writing procrastination ❤️
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