A thread about body positivity & mental health. When I was at uni, I was with someone who didn't give me the best body image, and it got to the point where I was going to the gym twice a day to stay skinny. I was a size 8, which was definitely too small for my height. 1/
When we broke up, I constantly worried about my weight, and this created some BAD habits (I won't go into detail but I will just say laxatives aren't your friend). I would constantly compare myself to others, and this would create crippling anxiety that was almost constant. 2/
This was basically the pattern throughout my entire twenties. I would enjoy a nice meal, and then spend the rest of the evening feeling horribly guilty. That's when I ended up realising I couldn't live like that anymore, and went to seek help from my doctor. 3/
I've been on and off my anxiety medication for the last few years, but I can happily say at the age of 32, I now look at myself in the mirror & like what I see 90% of the time. I learnt that nobody actually cares about what your body type is, just that you're healthy. 4/
So here's to all of you who've had doubts or fears about what you look like, and just bloody love yourself. And have that glass of wine if you want it ❤️
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