Also ill say it again but its bizzare to me that people read the framing of AM so differently at times concerning the morality of Dimitri in general, after all the mentions of him not having any power both socially (to choose his own path), physically (literally imprisoned and
probably tortured and forced to kill to live), and emotionally (being mentally ill). Honestly the wild demonizing of a mentally ill escaped attempted regicide victim trying his best to stay alive when entirely abandoned is. its something for sure. why is killing invaders only bad
because it's under duress/extenuating circumstance? Its clear that it isn't who he wants to be and is driven mad. Do people think that Felix saying he enjoys it means more than what Dimitri says? That doesn't seem entirely fair. Felix is just one person with as flawed a
perspective as any and speaks from a place of fear as well. Why is Dimitri denied any remorse for not laying down and dying? He says he doesn't like killing. It hurts him and others. He felt pressured into war because of his crest/station/culture. And yet other people killing in
cold blood is fine? But the crazy character doing all he can to protect himself is an animal? He does not do a good job, no but thats part of what I feel the route is trying to say
that he doesn't have to give up just because his brain is fighting him. I've seen this narrative in other media too where being possessed becomes and allegory for fighting your trauma/mental illness, but with Dimitri its all internal.
honestly it just makes me uncomfortable when people call him an animal and demonize him for the same thing other characters do happily when that has destroyed his life. nothing can erase taking another life, no, but he can forgive himself knowing he had no other choice and work
towards a world where nobody has to make that choice again
also I must say its fine if you are uncomfortable with a character explicitly having psychosis and killing, but keep in mind he also has severe trauma too. Its both IMO and that's important because the fight response to threats is valid. Its not healthy but its valid. You can be
turned off by this rep and not demonize others for finding comfort in being told they are worth more than their illness
I personally love that its not sugar coated because trauma is UGLY to face head on and I find no comfort in glossing over the difficult parts of recovery and calling it progressive.
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